Good Morning!
Please get your ASSIGNED netbook when you arrive.
Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom
until you leave this classroom.
*NOTE: BOOK REVIEW on Goodreads is due Monday, June 8th.
*NOTE: Textbook return on June 8th. Start bringing your texts to school.
Issues -- today you will continue researching topics and completing the
assignments on the selected topics. One of your topics will be shared
with the class in a Powerpoint presentation which you will share with
me or another format that includes visuals. Name the Powerpoint Presentation as follows: Period __
Environmental Issue and share with me (
HOMEWORK: Book review is due Monday, June 8th. I am ready to start receiving them. Final presentations begin on Tuesday. I will collect your 10 fully completed summaries on environmental issues on Wednesday, June 10th.