Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Expert Project Day

Please get your netbook when you arrive

EXPERT PROJECT DAY -- By the end of class today I will see on your blog a posting for April 29th and April 30th.  Your posts are to be summaries of main ideas from the article that you have read on your topic and/or an explanation of what work you did in your search.

*** An additional resource for your research: 
      Go to My Big Campus -- you will be able to log in (I am told).
      Click on library and then enter your topic in the search box. 

Also, consider the following questions: 
*Who is the person most closely associated with your issue?
*Who can you interview or talk to about your question?
*What are some alternatives to interviews, e.g., online resources. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Expert Project Day

Please get your netbook when you arrive

Note: This is the beginning of a new grading period and the final grading period!  Before the end of the week you will have selected your independent reading for this next six weeks. Remember that one of your books must be from the required reading list.  The link to that list is under "Important Links" on my blog.

I enjoyed reading your essays on The Great Gatsby.  I would like to share a few with you before we move on.

EXPERT PROJECT:  Today we are going to investigate how we might do some "deep" research on our topic.  Use Google News Archive to find primary sources on your topic.  Use the snipping tool for capturing and saving screen shots. You can save it to your desktop.  Summarize at least one article for today -- enter this on your blog.  I will be checking your blog for completing this post. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Final Assignments

Please get your netbook when you arrive

As I indicated you will have time today to complete final assignments for this grading period.  Your final draft of the essay on The Great Gatsby is due.  Carefully proofread the essay for errors. Also, two book reviews are to be posted on Goodreads.  One of these reviews is on The Great Gatsby.  Be sure to provide the link to your review page by filling out the Book Review Link Form under "Important Links" on my blog.

Please work quietly today and use the time wisely.  You will want to leave me with a positive impression as I make decisions about citizenship grades this weekend.  Thank you always to those who work quietly every day -- you know who you are.

NOTE:  Monday and Tuesday and Friday of next week will be devoted to your EXPERT PROJECT.  Please be firm about your topic as we proceed. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Essay Editing

Instead of Reading Response groups, I would like you to have a partner read and closely edit your essay.  Here are partners who are ready to do that:

Lukas and Morae
Kevin and Jake
Tangueray and Jamarkus
Marissa and Cody
Tiffany and Michael
Nadia and Andrew

If your name is not here, please continue to complete your essay.
NOTE:  Gatsby essay and two book reviews are due tomorrow -- the end of the grading period.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reading Response Groups

Instead of Reading Response groups, I would like you to have a partner read and closely edit your essay.  Here's partners who are ready to do that:
     * Matthew and Angelica
     * America and Travis
     * Bryanna and Miyah

Please continue completing your essay which is due no later than Friday.

NOTE:  Final draft of the essay is due Friday.  Two book reviews are also due Friday.  Make sure that you share the link to your review page by filling out the Book Review Form under "Important Links" on my blog.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Essay Writing

Please get your netbook at the beginning of class

NOTE:  Two book reviews are due by Friday.  One of the reviews will be on The Great Gatsby.  Be sure to provide the link to your review page.

 Complete essay draft due by the end of the period.  Tomorrow we will have READING RESPONSE GROUPS (Thursday for per 3).  The final draft is due by FridayFriday I will give you class time to wrap up your essay and book reviews.

NOTE:  Start thinking again about your expert project.  Work on that will soon resume. April 29th,30th, and May 3rd will be devoted to EXPERT PROJECT.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Essay Writing

Please get your netbook when you arrive

1.  ASB Elections -- you will watch a video and then vote.

2.  NOTE:  Your two book reviews are due by Friday, the last day of the grading period.  Be sure to fill out the Book Review Link Form under "Important Links" on my blog.

3.  Testing rehearsal tomorrow.  Testing Wednesday and Thursday.  

4.  Complete draft of Gatsby essay is due tomorrow (20pts).  Be sure to share your essay with me (abaltrushes@gmail.com).  I will give you class time to finish up your draft.  Wed (per 2) & Thurs (per 3) we will do reading response groups (10pts).  Be ready to share your essay.  The final draft of the essay is due FRIDAY.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Essay Writing

Please get your netbooks when you arrive

This period is devoted exclusively to working on our essay for The Great Gatsby.  Please be focused and work quietly on this task.  Use the following link and Ctrl + F to locate passages/lines to quote for your evidence.  

 The Great Gatsby

Complete draft is due Tuesday.  The final draft will be due next Friday after testing.   (I know, there has been a lot of adjustment of dates . . . .  but it's in your favor).

NOTE:  You also need to complete two book reviews by next Friday.   USE CLASS TIME WISELY TODAY! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Essay Writing

" No -- Gatsby turned out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men."

Please get your netbooks when you arrive

Tuesday I provided additional guidelines for writing your essay on The Great Gatsby.  I asked you, for homework, to begin work on writing the body paragraphs on the characters that you have chosen to analyze.  Yesterday, I again indicated that your homework was to work on the body paragraphs.  Today we will continue this writing.  Please share with me in Google Docs the body paragraphs that you have written.  This draft is due tomorrow.  *Save as Per  ____ The Great Gatsby Essay.

HOMEWORK:  Work on the introduction and conclusionRefer to the handout on guidelines for all parts of the essay.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Movie and Writing

"And as the moon rose higher the inessential houses began to melt away until gradually I became aware of the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors' eyes -- a fresh, green breast of the new world."    -- The Great Gatsby

1.  The Great Gatsby -- the end of the movie
2.  Essay writing -- for homework you were asked to begin work on the body paragraphs.  Yesterday you were given additional guidance for writing this essay.  Refer to the handout for the guidelines and suggestions.  After the end of the movie today, we will use class time for writing.
3.  Draft of essay on The Great Gatsby is due Friday
4.  HOMEWORK :  Continue working on the body paragraphs.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Great Gatsby -- the movie

"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy -- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made . . . ."

NOTE:  The end of the grading period is April 26th.  Two book reviews are to be posted on Goodreads and the link to the review page shared with me.
Essay on The Great Gatsby -- Draft due Friday (due date change).
Begin working on the body paragraphs, analyzing the characters that you have chosen.  Refer to the essay assignment and the handout that I am providing today for additional guidance.  We will be writing in class tomorrow.  Work in Google Docs so you can continue what you have completed at home.
Note:  CST Testing next week -- April 24th and 25th

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Great Gatsby -- the movie

"And as I sat there, brooding on the old unknown world, I thought of Gatsby's wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy's dock . . . Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before usIt eluded us then, but that's no matter -- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther . . . So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

No need for netbooks today

1.  NOTE:  The grading period ends April 26th. You must post two book reviews on Goodreads by that date and share them with me by using the  "Book Review Form Link" under "Important Links" on my blog.

2.  ESSAY on The Great Gatsby  -- draft is due THURSDAY.  You must share your draft with me in Google docs by Thursday for credit.  Save as Per __ The Great Gatsby Essay.

3.  Movies -- please continue taking notes on the form I gave you Friday.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby

Please get your netbook as soon as you arrive
"I'll get somebody for you, Gatsby.  Don't worry.  Just trust me and I'll get somebody for you ----"
1.  Article of the Week #16 due -- Holmes Report 02 Jul 2012

2.      Chapter 9 Quiz

3.   When you complete the quiz, please write a paragraph in response to Chapter 9 in your ENGLISH JOURNAL.

4.  Movie
     Graphic organizer to prepare for your essay -- please complete as we watch the movie.  We will resume the movie Monday.  The plan is to work on the essay Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.  The draft of the essay will be due next Thursday (not Tuesday).

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chapter 8 & 9 of The Great Gatsby

Please get your netbook when you arrive and promptly go to my blog (Baltrushes.blogspot.com).  Follow the directions below.

"They're a rotten crowd," I shouted, across the lawn.  "You're worth the whole damn bunch put together."
                                                (Nick, Chapter 8)

You have read Chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby for homework.  Please take the quiz for Chapter 8.  Then, in your ENGLISH JOURNAL write about how you felt when you reached the end of Chapter 8.  We will then begin Chapter 9.

 *           Chapter 8 Quiz

  *        English Journal:

                 My reaction to Chapter 8:

HOMEWORK:  1. Article of the Week #16
                                            2.  Finish reading Chapter 9


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby

"Oh, you want too much!" she cried to Gatsby.  "I love you now -- isn't that enough?  I can't help what's past."  She began to sob helplessly.  "I did love him once -- but I loved you too."
Gatsby's eyes opened and closed
"You loved me too?" he  repeated.

We need to finish reading Chapter 7 today.  If there is time I will ask you to get your netbook to complete the chapter questions.  I have recorded chapter questions through Chapter 6Complete Chapter 7 questions and then take the quiz. 

Chapter 7 Quiz

HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 8 for homeworkThere will be a quiz tomorrow on the reading.   (No questions for Chapters 8 and 9)

      Read the following article for homework and write a response.  What is the article's argument?  Select three reasons that support this argument.  ALSO, what points caught your attention?  This is due Friday. 
    Americans Believe Values have Declined



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby

 "You always look so cool."
                                                          -- Daisy

Good morning.  There is no need to get your netbook this morning.  We will resume Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby right away.

NOTE:  Complete Chapter 7 questions for homework.  You have copied these questions into your ENGLISH JOURNAL.

    "Our great moral decline"

WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Start thinking about what two or three characters you will write about for your essay.  You will show how these characters help develop the themes of this novel -- the moral issues that this novel raises.   There will be an adjustment of the due date for the first DRAFT.

         Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby

Monday, April 8, 2013

Chapter Seven of The Great Gatsby

Good morning and welcome back!  I hope you had a great spring break and are ready to get back to work.  I promise you the rest of the year will go by like the speed of light, so let's savor each day!
Please get your netbooks when you arrive to class.

1.  Independent Reading -- We have been getting a little off track with that.  You should be reading your selected book for this grading period on your own.  You will be writing a review for The Great Gatsby  -- that will satisfy the second book requirement (as I have already explained).  You, of course, will also be writing a review of your selected book.

2.  Dreams and Illusions Process Prompt

3.   Chapter Six Quiz 

4.  When you complete the quiz on Chapter 6, please copy Chapter Seven Questions into your ENGLISH JOURNAL:

 Chapter Seven Questions
        1.  What was Gatsby's reaction to Daisy's child?
        2.  What did Wilson do to Myrtle?  Why?
        3.  Why do the five drive into the city on such a hot afternoon?
        4.  What does Gatsby think about Daisy's relationship with Tom?
        5.  What is Daisy's reaction to both men?
        6.  What happens on the way home from New York?
        7.  How do these people react to Myrtle's death:
             a.  Wilson
             b.  Tom
             c.  Nick
             d.  Gatsby
        8.  What is the true relationship between Daisy and Tom?