Thursday, May 30, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

Please get your netbook when you arrive.
Please read quietly while your netbook powers up.
Today you are continuing completion of your feature article.  I will be grading them over the weekend.  Refer to the checklist that I gave you as you complete your final draft.

The following is the RUBRIC for your presentation (your final for this class).  Presentations begin next Thursday. 


1.   Presenter clearly and enthusiastically presents about his or her
      topic for 3-5 minutes.
2.   Presentation includes strong visuals (with minimal text) or a
     creative representation of the material.

    3.  Presenter is a credible expert on the topic speaking
    knowledgeably, citing references and other experts,  
    including relevant statistics and informative facts.

     4. Presenter engages the audience with eye contact,
         questions, and humor, while  educating them about
         the topic of the presentation.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

Please get your netbook when you arrive.
Please read quietly while your netbook powers up.

To begin today, please complete the following form:

Feature Article Update

I would like to briefly discuss your responses before I ask you to have a partner read your feature article -- what you have written so far.  Make helpful suggestions to your partner. Please refer to the checklist that I have given you. Final draft is due Friday.  Friday I have signed up for period 2 & 3 to attend Mr. Palmiotto's Film Festival in the PAC.  Confirmation of attendance will be tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

I hope you had a nice holiday weekend!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.
Please read quietly while your netbook is powering up.
NOTE: Your two book reviews are due by JUNE 6th.
 You have another day towards completing your feature article.  Since your article is largely based on research and secondary sources, you MUST properly cite those sources.  I am giving you a handout today for your reference.You must have a WORKS CITED page that follows your article.  Tomorrow is the due date for the completed draft (20pts).  The final draft is due FRIDAY.  Note: I will not be collecting a hard copy of your article.

Next week we will begin presentations.  By now, you should have a pretty good idea what your presentation will be.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

Next Wednesday, May 29th, a completed draft of your FEATURE ARTICLE is due (20 pts.)

Tuesday you will have time in class to continue working.  As you write, remember to give credit to your sources where necessary.  Tuesday we will review proper citation of sources.

REMINDER:  Your final will be a creative presentation of your topic.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

Please get your netbook when you arrive.
Let's get started right away on your feature article.  Completed draft is due next Wednesday, May 29th.

  Tomorrow:  Booster Presentation

Several of you have a really good start on your feature article.  Remember to insert infographics and be sure to provide proper credit for the images that you borrow.  Also use subheadings in bold print.   As you continue drafting your article, refer to the checklist that I gave you.  

NOTE: Remember that your final will be a 3 - 5 minute creative presentation of your topic which presents some of the main ideas of your topic.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

Please get your netbook when you arrive.
Please read quietly while your netbook is powering up.

Today you are making significant progress on your feature article.  I am very pleased to see that some of you are doing just that! The target date for a fully completed draft of your feature article is next Wednesday, May 29th (20 pts).  Please work quietly today. Make sure you name your article Period ___ Feature Article and share it with me at

Reminder:  Your final will be a creative presentation of your topic. It is your choice.  It could be one of the following:
  • video
  • pamphlet / brochure (need a copy for all students) You can use copier on campus if you bring paper
  • Google presentation you present to class
  • Mock News Presentation
  • Game in which students learn some of the findings you discovered
  • other ideas - see me

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

Please get your netbook when you arrive.
Please read quietly while your netbooks are powering up.

Today you continue drafting your feature article.  Use your time wisely to make significant progress each day this week.

TODAY please make sure that you save your draft as Period ___ Feature Article and SHARE it with me (

NOTE:  As you write, remember to cite your sources.  If you are saying something that is information from another source, then indicate that by writing "According to (person's name) . . . ."

You will list your works cited at the end of the article with proper MLA citation. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Drafting Feature Article

Please get your netbooks when you arrive.
While they are powering up please read your independent reading book.  
This week you will be working on drafting your feature article.  You will have class time each day.  The final draft of your article is May 31st.  Next week the plan is to share your article with other students before submitting a final draft.  It is important that you are prepared with your completed draft for Wednesday of next week (May 29th).
Please save your work in GOOGLE DOCS as:
           PERIOD __  Feature Article
REMINDER:  Your final for this class will be a 3-5 min creative presentation of your topic. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Expert Project

Please get your netbbook when you arrive
Please read as your netbook powers up.
Today you will continue researching your topic.  You will begin drafting your feature article next week.  By then hopefully you will have a body of research to organize around an idea or perspective.  Your work today (summarizing your research) will result in a blog post.  
NOTE:  Complete your interview either in person or with an online source.  ALSO, start planning your creative presentation which will be your final.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Expert Project

Please get your netbook when you arrive
Please read quietly while your netbook is powering up.
Today you will continue researching your topic.  By the end of the period you will have posted on your blog the results of your work today: summarize the material that you read today.  Provide the URL of the site and create a citation.  For your feature article, you will show citation for 8-12 articles.
Reminder:  in your feature article you will include the results of an interview that you conducted either in person or from an online source.  If your interview is in person, it needs to take place as soon as possible.  We begin writing next week.You will work into your article 3 to 5 quotes from your interviewee.
NOTE:  I am checking blog posts for May 9, 15, 16, 17

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Expert Project Research

Please get your netbook when you arrive.
While the netbooks are powering up, please read your independent reading book.  Note: Your two book reviews are due June 6.

Expert Project Day (and the rest of the week) -- For the rest of the week you have the opportunity to make significant progress in researching your topic.  Remember, you need to have some idea about your topic -- a purpose.  This will be your perspective.  Please describe your research (summarizing an article with URL, etc.) in a blog post.  I should see a blog post for 5/15, 5/16, 5/17.

FEATURE ARTICLE will be due MAY 31.  We will begin drafting the article next week.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Article: "Welcome to the United States Border"

Please begin independent reading at the bell

1.  Article:  "Welcome to the United States Border"
     For a second reading of the article annotate for the following:
     * Modes of Writing (narration, exposition, definition, description, comparison)
     * History or background
     * In-depth examination
      Questions are also to be completed.  You are working quietly on your own today.
       EXPERT PROJECT WORK tomorrow.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Article: "Welcome to the United States Border"

Please begin reading at the bell
(We do not need netbooks today.)

1.  Note:  Regarding your expert topic, continue researching your topic for homework.  Summarize your readings on your blog and provide the URL for the website.  Begin planning how you will write your article.  Refer to the assignment rubric.

2.  Article:  "Welcome to the United States Border"
     *Work with a partner
     *Decide together how you will "chunk" the text
     *Read the first chunk quietly
     *Discuss with your partner the main ideas and/or ideas
       that caught your attention.  What stands out?  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Expert Project

Please get your netbooks when you arrive 
Please read while they are powering up

TED TALK -- An example of developing expertise 

Yesterday I gave you the writing prompt for the feature article that you will be writing.  I also gave you sample introductions to feature articles.  TODAY, I would like you to post a draft of an introduction to your topic.  Refer to the examples for ideas on how you might begin.  (BTW, I have recorded for credit posts for 4/29, 4/30, 5/2, 5/3, 5/9 -- a total of 20 pts)

Monday we will be reading another feature article.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Expert Project

Please begin independent reading at the bell.

1.  Feature Article Prompt & Examples of Introductions

2.   How to Write a Feature Story 

3.  Assignment:  For a blog post today write an introduction to your topic.  This assignment is to get you seriously on task for writing your feature article.  Today and tomorrow we will be working on our topic -- continuing our research and writing an introduction.  Monday of next week we will look at another feature article.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Feature Article Prompt

1. Independent Reading -- Please begin promptly at the bell. 

2.  Article -- "You have a secret that can ruin your life"  You finished this article for homework and completed the questions.  Please be ready to share your answers and parts that you highlighted in the article.  The reading and annotating of this article along with the questions required some serious effort . . . . but isn't that what we are here for?

3.  Feature article prompt

4.  How to Write a Feature Story

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Article: "You have a secret that can ruin your life"

Please remember to put away your cell phone before class begins.

1.  Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading out.  We are resuming daily reading at the start of class . . . . and I am checking this.  When you write your book review, be mindful of following the rubric which I provided.  I am giving you a sample book review from a classmate.

2.  Feature Article Prompt -- this assignment will be due at the end of the 6 weeks.  Begin examining how you will treat your topic to follow the feature article requirements.
3.  Feature Article -- "You have a secret that can ruin your life"

        Yesterday I asked you to read this article and do the following:
     * CHUNKING: what is each part of the article doing?
     * Where are there places where research had to be done?
     *  How is attention maintained?
     *  HIGHLIGHT/UNDERLINE what stood out to you. 
4.  Questions on the article

Monday, May 6, 2013

Article: "You have a secret that can ruin your life"

No need for netbooks today
Please remember to put your cell phones away and out of sight.

NOTE:  Please return ASAP your copy of The Great Gatsby to the library if you have not done so yet.

We are returning to independent reading in class.  Please be prepared with a book each day starting tomorrow.

ARTICLE:  "You have a secret that can ruin your life"
Read the article on your own.  Annotate the article for the following:

     * CHUNKING: what is each part of the article doing?
     * Where are there places where research had to be done?
     *  How is attention maintained?
     *  HIGHLIGHT/UNDERLINE what stood out to you.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Expert Project

Please get your Netbook when you arrive

NOTE:  Please make your selection of an independent reading book before the end of the week -- your selection or from the required list.  Check under "Important Links" on my blog for the annotated list.


EXPERT PROJECT -- You have entered two posts on your blog this week -- April 29th and April 30th.  Make sure that you paste the URL into your blog.  You will have a post for today and tomorrow.  For proper citation copy and paste the URL into  Show the URL of the article in your blog and the citation.  Please use this time today and tomorrow to make some significant progress.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Expert Project

Please get your Netbook when you arrive

NOTE:  Please make your selection of an independent reading book before the end of the week -- your selection or from the required list.  Check under "Important Links" on my blog for the annotated list.

EXPERT PROJECT -- You have entered two posts on your blog this week -- April 29th and April 30th.  Make sure that you paste the URL into your blog.  For proper citation copy and paste the URL into