Monday, September 30, 2013

The Crucible, Act I

Good Morning!  
I hope that you had a great weekend! 

Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive to class and read your independent reading book as the netbook powers up. 
Before we continue reading The Crucible, please copy the following questions into your ENGLISH JOURNAL:

11.   What is a key characteristic of Rev. Hale according to what is described about him?
12.   Of what does Abigail accuse Tituba and why has Abigail turned on her?
13.   Why does Tituba confess that the devil came to her and asked her to work for him?
14.   Why does Tituba come up with the names of Goody Good and Goody Osburn
         as the two women that she saw consorting with the devil?
15.  In your opinion, what motivates Abby's confession at the end of Act I?

HOMEWORK:  Please work on your independent reading with an eye towards completing two book reviews by Oct 11th.  Please return the book that you might have checked out from this class and cross out your name.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Crucible, Act I

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive and quietly read your independent reading book while the netbook powers up. We will begin reading right away and respond to the reading in the last part of class.

After reading today, please go to my blog and copy the following questions into your ENGLISH JOURNAL. Please complete the assignment before the end of class today.

ACT I of The Crucible (cont)

5.   What motivation does Miller attribute to Thomas Putnam's actions?
6.   What do we learn from the conversation when Mercy, Abigail, and Mary Warren are alone AND 
      what is Abigail's warning?
7.   Why does John Proctor feel that he is a fraud?
8.   Why does Rebecca Nurse believe that Mr. Hale should be sent home?
9.   What are John Proctor's complaints about Rev. Parris?
10.  What line caught your attention?  

HOMEWORK:  Please work on your independent reading with an eye towards completing TWO book reviews on GOODREADS.
 Look at the book review rubric and sample book reviews under my "Important Links."

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Crucible, Act I

Good morning!
Please get your assigned netbook and while it is powering up please read your independent reading book.

*  Please copy the following questions into your ENGLISH JOURNAL and complete before we resume the play:
 (Create some space between each question and provide your answer after each question).

1.  Who is Betty and what is wrong with her?
2.  Abigail is described as "a strikingly beautiful girl . . . 
     with an endless capacity for dissembling."  What 
     does this mean?
3.  What hint does Rev. Parris make about Abigail's 
      character?  (Quote the line -- top of p.12)
4. Why does Rev. Parris become so upset at the thought 
      that Betty's illness is a result of unnatural causes? 

HOMEWORK:  Please read your independent reading book with an eye towards completing two book reviews on GOODREADS by Oct 11th.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Crucible, Act I

Good Morning!

Let's begin class with a little bit of independent reading.  Thank you for using this time for reading. Reminder:  Two book reviews are to be posted by Oct 11 on Goodreads.

* The Crucible, "An Overture" and the beginning of Act I. I will collect the completed handout.  NOTE:  For extra credit points, please volunteer to read a part.  

HOMEWORK: Please read your independent reading book.  You should be done with your first book and you should be working on the first book review.  Make sure that you make me a friend on GOODREADS  (


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Crucible, "An Overture"

Good Morning!

Let's begin class with a little bit of reading in our independent reading books.  That's been interrupted the last few days.  Reminder: two book reviews are due by Oct 11.  Before that time I will review how to write the reviews on Goodreads.

* Background to The Crucible (handout)

* The Crucible -- "An Overture" (handout).  We will read this part in class because Arthur Miller explains so many things essential to grasping the history of the time and the events in this play.

HOMEWORK:  Please read your independent reading book with an eye towards writing your reviews.  You should be on your second book by now.  Please return your book checked out from this class if you have finished reading it and cross your name off the list for that book.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Checking out The Crucible

Good morning!  I hope that you had a really enjoyable weekend!
1.  At the beginning of the period we will go to the library to check out The Crucible.  Make sure that you have your ID with you.  When we return to class, you will take a multiple choice quiz on the research topics that were presented on Friday. 

2.  Homework Review -- I asked you to do some reading in your text over the weekend and to complete a handout  on the reading.
3.  Some more background information on the Puritan era -- a handout for your review.   

4.  HOMEWORK:  Read "An Overture" to Act One of The Crucible and carefully complete the questions.  There is much to understand in this reading!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Research Topic Presentation

Good Morning!
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he 
thinks, he becomes.  -- Mahatma Gandhi 

 Today we will have the groups teach us what they learned about their topic.  Be attentive and take notes -- there will be a quiz that follows.

NOTE:  I put a sample book review under "Important Links."  You should be writing the review for your first book on Goodreads. Book reviews are due by October 11th.  Please return the book that you signed out from this class and cross your name off the sign out sheet. Remember, one of the books must be from the recommended list to receive credit.

NOTE:  We will be checking out The Crucible on Monday.  Please have your ID.

HOMEWORK:  Using the our text for this class (The Language of Literature) which you were instructed to bring home, please complete the handout assignment which indicates the pages you are to read.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Research Assignment

Good morning
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive to class.  Today your group will complete the research assignment and be ready to present to the class tomorrow.  Be sure to share your presentation with me today:

Name your document Period ___   Topic     e.g. Period 4 McCarthyism

The order of presentations tomorrow will be:
1.  Communism in the 1950's
2.  Cold War Period 
3.  Rise and Effects of McCarthyism
4.  Mass Hysteria
5.  Arthur Miller
6.  Puritan New England
7.  Salem Witch Trials

HOMEWORK: Independent reading

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Research Assignment

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbooks when you arrive to class.  
Today, we will continue doing research on topics in preparation for our reading of The Crucible.  Each group will present their topic to the class.  This will take place on Friday.  It will be a brief presentation of 8 - 10 slides.  Be sure to include an image.  The class will take notes on each presentation.  A multiple choice quiz will follow.  Be sure to share your completed slide presentation with me.  Include group members' names.  
NOTE: Name file "Period ___ Group Research"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Research Assignment

Good Morning!

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
                       matter and those who matter don't mind.   --Dr. Seuss

Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive to class. While your netbook is powering up, please read your independent reading book. 

1.  "The Story of An Hour" -- just a few more words about this story.  I will collect your completed work.

2.  This week we will do a little bit of research on topics that will prepare us for reading The Crucible.  Please click on the following link for the topics and guidelines for this assignment:

Topics for McCarthyism, Puritanism, & The Salem Witch Trials

You will be assigned one of the seven topics.  The assigning of the topics will be random.  Groups of 5 will work together on their assigned topic.  Presentations will be on Friday, so use your time wisely in completing this mini-research assignment.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"The Story of An Hour"

Good morning!  I hope that you had a really nice weekend!
"Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version 
 of someone else."   -- Judy Garland
  Let's begin with some independent reading.  The library is open today for book checkout which means that ALL students have no excuse for not having a book after today. Wednesday, I will commence my official book check for credit.

* Next Monday we will be checking out the paperback edition of The Crucible.  This week we will read two texts that deal with the theme of conformity (the unit's theme), and we will do some background research in preparation of reading The Crucible.  Tomorrow you will be assigned a topic, and you will work with other students in preparing a presentation. 

* For homework over the weekend you were to write a RESEARCH QUESTION for the Expert Project.  I am going to ask you to turn the question in at this time.

* "The Story of An Hour"  --   Quietly read this  story and complete the following questions on the back:

1. What structural and stylistic techniques does Kate Chopin use?
2. What are two symbols that appear in this story?
3. Explain the irony at the end of the story.
4. Explain the theme of this story.  What is this story really about?

Friday, September 13, 2013

English Journal

Good Morning!
When you arrive to class, please get your assigned netbook.  While it is powering up, please read quietly in your independent reading book.  NOTE:  Time is passing quickly and before we know it the first six week grading period will be here and you have two books that you will be reviewing on Goodreads.  

1.  Today I want to make sure everyone is where they should be with sharing the English Journal with me.  In several instances I had to rename your document.  It should be "Period ___ English Journal."  Open your English Journal and in a large font (and centered on the page) type the words: 
English Journal   
Please provide a date for each assignment that you add and begin at the TOP of the document.  Please follow my directions for that!   I would like you to put your letter of introduction in the journal -- I'm sure you won't mind doing that!   Period 3 please also write a brief response to our reading of "Superman and Me."  ALSO, please make sure that you have checked "Can Edit" for your English Journal that you shared with me.  If you have not filled out the "Student Data Form" under "Important Links," please do so today.

With any time left over, please do some research on your tentative EXPERT PROJECT topic.  

HOMEWORK:  Make a commitment to a topic for the Expert Project and write a RESEARCH QUESTION. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Expert Project

Good Morning!
1. Let's begin class with some reading in our independent reading books.  My hope is that you have selected a book that you are finding engaging and on which you will enjoy writing a book review.

2.   Yesterday I showed you a video on a TED talk with Elizabeth Gilbert who spoke about the concept of creativity and the faults of how we conceive it today.  She made it her business (out of personal necessity as a writer) to learn more about the concept of creativity through the ages -- she, in fact, made herself somewhat of an expert on the topic.  The goal of the EXPERT PROJECT assignment is to do that for you.  A necessary ingredient is for you to select a topic that you feel passionately or at least strongly about and to formulate a RESEARCH QUESTION to focus your research.

NOTE:  Expert Project Rubric under "Important Links"

Before we discuss writing a research question, please share the topics that you brainstormed for homework.

Research Questions:

 I’m interested in the environment.
How is global warming affecting polar bears?
How is global warming affecting endangered species?

Homework:  Continue thinking about a topic for your expert project.  By Monday of next week I would like you to have made a commitment to a topic and to have formulated a research question. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Expert Project

Good morning! 

 We will not be using the netbooks today.  Yesterday we commenced our English Journal with the writing response to "Superman and Me" which was due at the end of the period.  If you did not complete the response in class, please complete it at home and be sure that you have shared your English Journal with me (  I will collect your annotated copies today. 

TODAY please begin class with your independent reading bookI will have more of an opportunity to check what you are reading. Be sure to bring your book each day.

EXPERT PROJECT:  For homework I asked you to start thinking of possible topics for this year-long project.  Today I will provide some sample research questions, and then we can start creating our own.  First, I would like us to consider the idea of being an expert on a topic.

QUESTIONS: How does a person become an expert
                      What is the criteria for being an expert?
The following TED video might give us some ideas about what it means to be an expert.  What can we observe about this talk?  Write down some of your observations.  What is Elizabeth Gilbert talking about?  What is her knowledge?   What is her attitude toward her topic?   Is she an effective speaker?

Elizabeth Gilbert TED Talk: The Elusive Creative Genuis

HOMEWORK:  Write a research question on a possible topic.  I am not asking you to make a commitment yet, but I do want you to start seriously considering possibilities.

Monday, September 9, 2013

"Superman and Me"

Good morning!  Please get your assigned netbooks when you arrive to class.  While your netbooks are powering up, please read your independent reading book.  I will be checking again today to see that you have made a selection.

CREATING A DOCUMENT in Google docs:  Create a document in Google docs and name it Period ___ English Journal.  Some of you have already done this for your letter of introduction.  Most of you haven't.  

"Superman and Me" -- for homework you annotated this article, showing a close reading.  In your English Journal today, please respond in writing to this essay by addressing the following:  

Subject: Begin by explaining the author's subject.  Be sure to introduce the title and author of the article.  Explain how the text is structured and provide a brief synopsis of the article.
Audience: Who is the intended audience?
Author's PersonaHow does the author present himself? (tone)
Purpose: Why was this text written? What should we think or do in response to this article?  What philosophy/worldview does the writer want to share?

HOMEWORK:  Please think about a topic/research question for your EXPERT PROJECT.  It should be a topic that you will enjoy researching this year.  Write down a list of possibilities -- approximately 5.

Student Data Form

Good morning!  I hope that you had a good weekend and are ready for another successful week of school!  "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."  (Benjamin Franklin)

Hopefully, the netbooks are charged and ready to go.  While they are powering up, please have your independent reading book out and read.  I will be coming around the room to check on the reading you have selected.

Once you have logged onto your netbook, please go to  Click on the following link and complete the form:
Student Data Form

GOODREADS -- Please create a Goodreads account today and make me your friend.  I will show you how to write a review.

Go to  Sign in using Google account -- username and password.  Once on the HOME page of goodreads, CLICK on FRIENDS.  Then GO TO "add friends" and type in my email address (  Back on the HOME page type the title of your book in the search box and then click on the title that appears.  Find where the book is rated with stars and click on the stars.  You will see the word "review" appear.  Clicking on "review" will take you to where you will write a review on your book.   

HOMEWORK:  Please read and thoughtfully annotate the article "Superman and Me."  This article is appropriate as we start with our independent reading.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

Creating English Journal

Reminder:  Please have your independent reading book for Monday.  

To begin, I would like to read a few of your poems that you wrote a few days ago.  Thank you for your effort with that assignment.

Creating a Google Document -- Today you will be assigned a netbook and sign a Netbook Agreement Form.  If you do not have a Google account, please create one today.  Go to and follow the directions.  Once you are in Google documents, please create a new document and save as Per __ English Journal.

Assignment:  Write a letter addressed to me (Dear Ms. Baltrushes) and tell me what YOU would like me to know about you as a student in my class.  You might discuss your prior performance as a student, your strengths and/or weaknesses, likes/dislikes, interests outside of school, family, etc.  It's up to you.  Please share this document with me: 

Thursday, September 5, 2013


"He who adds not to his learning diminishes it."
                                                 (The Talmud)

Good morning!  I hope your first week is going very well for you!

Today, I would like to discuss what we will be doing in this class -- the syllabus.  You can access it online on my school website for further review.

I read several of your poems last night and I would like to share some of them with you . . . . anonymously, of course. 

NOTE:  Please bring your text for this class home.  There is a possibility that you will be assigned work from the text to be completed at home.

HOMEWORK: Please begin your selection of an independent reading book for the first six weeksYour first book may be your choice or one selected from the required list.  You are due to have this selection by Monday of next week.  On Monday I will show you how to use GOODREADS.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Textbook checkout

Good Morning!  I hope everything went smoothly for you yesterday and that you had a great day!  

Today we are scheduled for textbook checkout.  You must have your ID or planner with you in order to check out your textbooks.  When we return to class, there should be time to discuss the the poem that you read yesterday and perhaps share the poem that you wrote for homework. I will collect the poem response and your poem.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"The Sun Goes Down on Summer"

Honors American Literature
Ms. Baltrushes

Welcome to 11th grade Honors American Literature!  

Each day when you arrive to class you will see the day's agenda here on the Promethean Board.  Upon arrival to class, please read what I have planned for the day.  I hope that all of you had a great summer and are looking forward to a successful year.  You are now JUNIORS, and this will be an important year for you!  I look forward to doing all I can to advance your learning and make my class a positive experience for you.  I am here doing what I love!

On this first day I would like us to read and respond to a poem which I believe you will find very appropriate for this first day back from summer vacation.   Respond to "The Sun Goes Down on Summer" by doing the following: (write in paragraph form)
     1.  First reading: quietly read the poem.
     2.  Identify the parts that you found especially meaningful, true,
          or appropriately expressive or descriptive.  
     3.  Identify and explain the imagery used.  Is the imagery 
          effective? Explain with two examples.
     4.  Explain the poem's important theme which becomes clear
          in the second half of the poem.  
     5.  What are your thoughts on the poem's theme?

"The Sun Goes Down on Summer"

HOMEWORK:  Using "The Sun Goes Down on Summer" as a model, write your own poem about summer and returning to school.  Length: Try to approximate the length of "The Sun . . ." Due tomorrow.

NOTE:  Textbook checkout through this class tomorrow