Friday, December 19, 2014

Persuasive Essay

Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*Essay -- Complete your essay today.  PLEASE carefully proofread your writing for mistakes that you can correct.  Please entitle your essay and double space.  Make sure that your name, course name, my name, and date are in the upper LEFT corner of your essay as follows:

Honors American Literature
Ms. Baltrushes
19 December 2014

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Persuasive Essay

Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*Yesterday you had the test on "Writers of the Revolution."  If you were absent yesterday, you will be taking the test today in class.

*Essay -- please work toward completing your essay today.  I have read some good (and completed) essays so far! PLEASE carefully proofread your writing for mistakes that you can correct.  Please entitle your essay and double space.

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive Essay

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Test on Writers of the Revolution

Good Morning! 

*Food Drive Contributions will be accepted until Friday.

*Test on readings from Writers of the Revolution -- when you have finished the test please get your netbook and continue working on your essay.  The essay is to be fully completed by Friday.  Work on it for homework.  Get it done!   Please put your name on your essay as follows:
                               Honors American Literature
                               Ms. Baltrushes
                               19 December 2014

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive Essay

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Persuasive Essay

Good Morning! 
*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

*Food Drive Contributions will be accepted until Friday.

*NOTE: Test tomorrow on the texts that we have read.  There will be twenty-five multiple choice questions.  Review the assignments on these texts, especially the questions.

*Persuasive Essay -- yesterday you created a NEW document and you named it Period __ Persuasive Essay.   You also shared it with me (  TODAY you will continue working quietly on this essay and continue working on it for homework so it is fully completed by Thursday.  I would like to have peer editing on Thursday.

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive Essay

Monday, December 15, 2014


Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

*Food Drive Contributions will be accepted until Friday.

*NOTE: Test on Wednesday on the texts that we have read.  There will be twenty-five multiple choice questions.

*On Friday I passed out to you the Persuasive Essay Writing Prompt, a sample essay, and a listing of topics.  I asked you to make a commitment to a topic over the weekend.  The due date for this essay is Friday but you should have a fully completed draft by Thursday.  Today use the time to research your topic to see other people's perspective on the topic.  Remember, for this essay you are going to need evidence for support.  Take notes.  You might create a document for notes and paste information into the document with the URL.  TODAY create a NEW DOCUMENT and name it Period __ Persuasive Essay and share it with me (

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive essay

Friday, December 12, 2014


Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :) 

*"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"  -- for homework you completed the assignment on this text (handout).  With a partner, please review your responses. (10 minutes)
*Persuasive Essay -- Please decide on a topic for this essay.  We will begin writing on Monday of next week.  Today, I will give you a compiled listing of topics that you generated before Thanksgiving, the writing prompt, and a sample response to this essay assignment.  Since this essay will require some research for evidence to support your position, I will give you time to accomplish that.

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive essay topic.  Please start researching your topic.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*"What is an American?"  --  Yesterday you completed the questions on this essay.  I will collect this today.

*Persuasive Essay -- Please decide on a topic for this essay.  We will begin writing on Monday of next week. I will give you a compiled listing of topics that you generated before Thanksgiving.

*"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"  -- follow along as this text is read.  Annotate the text as the text is discussed.

HOMEWORK:  Questions on "Red Jacket . . ."

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"What is an American?"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*"What is an American?"  -- Yesterday you followed along as this text was read.  You annotated the text and we began some of the practice activities.  This essay evokes much thinking on what we think about America today, and I showed you one article that questions whether we can continue to think of America as the land of opportunity.
America -- Land of Opportunity

*Complete questions on "What is an American?"  

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive essay topic

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"What is An American?"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*"What is an American?"  -- we will read this text together and you will annotate as we go along and complete the activities. (Handout)

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Persuasive Essay Topic

Monday, December 8, 2014

"What is an American?

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*Discussion of your responses to The Patriot -- I will also collect your notes.

Land of Opportunity

*"What is an American?"  -- we will read this text together and you will annotate as we go along and complete the activities. (Handout)

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Persuasive Essay Topic

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Please begin reading your independent reading book at the bell.

*Food Drive contributions?

*The Patriot -- discuss the assigned questions in groups of four.  I will arrange those groups.   In addition to the questions on the handout, write down the following questions on the back of the handout and respond:
6.  What is an American?  What are some of the various
      descriptions that come to mind?
7.  What makes America particularly unique in the world?
8.  What is relevant about the era of the American Revolution 
9.  Is America still seen as the land of opportunity?
10. What is your historical heritage as an American?  

(I will also collect your notes on the movie)

Land of Opportunity

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading.  Consider a topic for your persuasive essay that will soon be assigned. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Food Drive -- please bring a can or two with you to school.  

*Independent Reading -- please begin reading at the bell.

*The Patriot -- please continue taking notes on the movie.  Record as much as you can lines that caught your attention or of significance.  An assignment will follow the movie.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading.  Continue to think about what topic on which you will be writing a persuasive essay.    

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin reading at the bell. I will be checking.

*The Patriot -- please continue taking notes on the movie.  Record as much as you can lines that caught your attention or of significance.  

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading.  Continue to think about what topic on which you will be writing a persuasive essay.    

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell with your independent reading.  I will be checking to see what you have selected for this final six weeks. 
*The Patriot -- as we continue watching this movie, please record no less than 10 lines or parts  of significance.   
"This war will not be fought on a distant battlefield or frontier but amongst us."
*Homework:  Independent reading

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Patriot

Good morning and welcome back!  I hope that you had an enjoyable vacation and are ready to get back to work!

*Independent Reading -- please have your independent reading book each day.  If you have not selected a book from the recommended list, then you need to do that for the final six weeks. I will start checking tomorrow.
*No Article of the Week this week
*Persuasive Essay -- At the end of this unit of study, you will be writing a persuasive essay.  Not only will you be expressing your opinion, but you will try to convince others to agree with you and possibly take some action. On the Friday before vacation, we began to think of possible topics for this writing assignment. Please continue thinking about a topic as we approach the time when we will begin to write this essay which will be the last week before vacation.

*We have read " the Speech in the Virginia Convention" and "The Declaration of Independence."  Before we continue with some additional readings from this era, my plan is to view The Patriot, which I feel powerfully conveys the historical context of this era.
Please be attentive as there will be an assignment on this movie.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading book for tomorrow.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Pre-writing for Persuasive Essay

Good Morning!

*Article of the Week #11  -- annotation and written response is due.

*Persuasive Essay -- At the end of this unit of study, you will be writing a persuasive essay.  Not only will you be expressing your opinion, but you will try to convince others to agree with you and possibly take some action.  Today, brainstorm a list of possible topics that are important to you.  Think of controversial issues in the news and speak to other classmates and adults to find out what current issue they think is most important and controversial.  The topic might also be something more immediate in your world of which you feel strongly.  For today, think of 5 possible topics and write them down.  You might begin with "Something that I feel strongly about is . . . ."

*Homework :  Select your next independent reading book for the final six weeks.  If you have not selected a book from the recommended list, you must do so for the next book.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thomas Paine

Good Morning!

 *Period 1 -- Please turn in the assignment on "The Declaration of Independence"

*Thomas Paine -- Please read the excerpt from Thomas Paine's "The American Crisis."  Provide thoughtful responses to the questions.  Carefully compose your responses.  That is part of what you are practicing here, i.e. thinking and responding.
Thomas Paine

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #11

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"Declaration of Independence"

Good Morning!

*Note:  If you have not selected a book from the recommended book list, be sure to do so for the final six weeks. Read over Thanksgiving vacation.

*Period 1 -- you did not turn in the assignment on "Speech in the Virginia Convention."  I am ready to collect that from you. 

*"Declaration of Independence"  -- yesterday we read and annotated this text.  For homework you were asked to memorize: "We hold these truths to be self-evident . . . "  I have a little quiz for you today.

*Assignment on "The Declaration of Independence"  (handout) -- please complete in class.  

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #11 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Declaration of Independence

Good Morning!

*Note:  If you have not selected a book from the recommended book list, be sure to do so for the final six weeks. Read over Thanksgiving vacation!  Book reviews were due yesterday.  I will not except late reviews.

*"Declaration of Independence" -- Your copy is formatted for annotation.  We will read this text together and annotate together.  Listen closely as the text is read.  (two handouts)

The Declaration of Independence

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #11 is due Friday

Monday, November 17, 2014

"Speech in the Virginia Convention"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend! 

*NOTE:  Be sure to have your cell phone put away and out of sight.

*NOTE:  Book reviews are due no later than midnight tonight.  They must have the time stamp of November 17th. 

*Article of the Week #11 -- annotation and written response is due Friday

*"Speech in the Virginia Convention" -- we finished 
reading this speech on Friday.  You annotated your copy of the text as I read and discussed each part.  I should see no less than two annotations on each page. Your annotations should show examples of allusion, metaphor, parallelism, and rhetorical questions. You have completed the vocabulary exercise.  Today, please neatly and accurately complete pages 64 and 65 -- and then questions on a separate handout.  Due this period. 

HOMEWORK:  AOW #11 -- annotation and written response is due Friday

Friday, November 14, 2014

"Speech in the Virginia Convention"

Good Morning!

*Book reviews are due Monday, Nov 17th. Be sure to follow the rubric.  I should immediately see three paragraphs when I go to your review on Goodreads.

*Article of the Week #10 is due -- annotation and written response

*"Speech in the Virginia Convention" --  we will finish reading Henry's speech and you will annotate the text as we go along.  Listen carefully to the discussion and what notes should be recorded.  I will pause to give you time to take notes.  When we finish reading this you should be able to identify:
     *Patrick Henry's purpose
     *The use of logos, pathos, ethos
     *Examples of rhetorical questions and their purpose
     *The use of metaphor
     *The use of allusion
     *Evidence that supports Henry's argument

*Complete the activities that follow the speech.  Be thorough.

HOMEWORK:   Your book review is to be posted on Goodreads by midnight on Monday, November 17th.  Share the URL to your Goodreads review by filling out the "Book Review URL Form" under "Important Links."

Thursday, November 13, 2014

"Speech in the Virginia Convention"

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  Book reviews are due Monday, Nov 17th. Be sure to follow the rubric.  I should immediately see three paragraphs when I go to your review on Goodreads.

*"Speech in the Virginia Convention" --  we will read this together and you will annotate the text as we go along.  Listen carefully to the discussion and what notes should be recorded.  I will pause to give you time to take notes.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #10 -- annotation and written response

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Writers of the Revolution

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a good day off for Veteran's Day.

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin Book reviews are due Monday, November 17th.

*Introduction to Writers in the Time of Revolution -- this was intended as a homework assignment from your text, but we will complete this together in class.  Please follow along as this introduction is read. (Handout).

*"Speech in the Virginia Convention" --  Please review the textual features of this handout.  You will be annotating as we read this speech in class.  (handout) 

Homework:  1.  Article of the Week #10  2. Book Review

Monday, November 10, 2014

Era of the American Revolution

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Article of the Week #10 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday

*Transition from Puritan Era to the American Revolution -- We have read The Crucible, and last week we read Anne Bradstreet's poem "Upon the Burning of Our House."  What comes next?  We will be reading writings from the era of the American Revolution.  Today we are learning about the transition from the Puritan era to the era of the American Revolution to have a sense of events that followed after the Puritan era.  (Two  handouts)

Homework:  1. AOW #10, 2. Independent reading (book reviews are due Monday, Nov 17th).

Friday, November 7, 2014

"Upon the Burning of Our House"

Good Morning! 
*Please get your netbooks when you arrive.

*Article of the Week #9 due -- annotation and written response

*Yesterday you began to compose a written response to "Upon the Burning of Our House."  I would like you to put this written response in your ENGLISH JOURNAL. Be sure to carefully and thoughtfully compose your sentences.  Afterall, we are practicing written composition here!  Also, be sure to put the most recent assignment on the TOP.  This is due by the end of the period.  If you have finished early, please read you independent reading book.

This was on my blog yesterday:
*"Upon the Burning of Our House" -- Please write a well-developed paragraph on this poem.  Include the following:
             *Title and author
             *A statement of the poem's main theme (or central 
             *A summary of the poem (refer to your paraphrasing of 
               each stanza).  Include a clear statement of how the 
               conflict is resolved.
             *In a separate paragraph explain how this poem is 
               relevant to our lives.  Do some thinking here.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Upon the Burning of Our House"

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.  Book reviews are due November 17th.

*"Upon the Burning of Our House" -- Please write a well-developed paragraph on this poem.  Include the following:
             *Title and author
             *A statement of the poem's main theme (or central 
             *A summary of the poem (refer to your paraphrasing of 
               each stanza).  Include a clear statement of how the 
               conflict is resolved.
             *In a separate paragraph explain how this poem is 
               relevant to our lives.  Do some thinking here.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #9 -- annotation and written reponse

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"Upon the Burning of Our House"

Good Morning!

*Please return to the library your copy of The Crucible asap.

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.  Book reviews are due Monday, November 17th.

*Before we leave the Puritan era of The Crucible, I would like us to read Anne Bradstreet's poem "Upon the Burning of Our House."
Before I pass out the poem, let's first look at some biographical information on Bradstreet which will give you more appreciation for the poet, the poem, and most important of all, for the socio-cultural context.
Anne Bradstreet

*Work with a partner in paraphrasing this poem.  Put into your own words the main thought of each stanza.  (Handout)

*Extra Credit opportunity -- Memorization of the first stanza.  

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #9 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Evaluation of The Crucible

Good Morning!
*Please get your netbook when you arrive. 

*NOTE: Book Reviews are due November 17th

*ENGLISH JOURNAL -- Please open your English Journal in your Google Drive and respond to the following questions: (Copy into your English Journal)
Evaluation of The Crucible
1.  Was reading the play in class effective or would it have been more effective reading it on your own? Explain.
2.  Was it difficult for you to pay attention to the reading in class?  What might have helped if this was the case?
3.  Was the play confusing to you as we read it?  If so, what might have helped your understanding?
4.  Were the assignments on the play helpful?
5.  Do you feel as though you have significantly increased your knowledge by reading this play?  Explain.

*After you are done with these questions, please read over your Character Analysis Essay  -- proofread it again.  I will also be looking at your essays.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #9

Monday, November 3, 2014

Character Analysis

Good Morning!

*Article of the Week #9 -- you will receive the article tomorrow.

*PARTNER WORK: Please get you netbook when you arrive.  Today you will carefully edit your essay.  This will be done by having a partner read through with you your essay.  You will do the same for your partner.  Carefully proofread for the following errors:
        * All first person pronouns are capitalized 
        * Sentences properly punctuated -- read for complete  
           sentences and run-on sentences
        * The title of the play is properly punctuated
        * No contractions
        * Proper use of quotation marks
        * You have entitled your character analysis
        * Your name, course, instructor, and date are in the right place
            (upper left)
        *  Double space
        *  Word Count at end -- minimum of 500 words

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading -- book review is due November 17th

Friday, October 31, 2014

Character Analysis

Good Morning!
Happy Halloween!

*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive to class.

*Article of the Week #8 due

*Character Analysis Assignment:  Yesterday you created a new document and you named it Period __ Character Analysis.  You also shared it with me (  Today you will complete the assignment.  (You had Wednesday night, yesterday, last night, and today to complete this writing assignment  -- sufficient time).

Homework:  Independent reading -- your book review is due on November 17th.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Character Analysis

Good Morning!
*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive to class.

*Character Analysis Assignment:  Yesterday I gave you the writing prompt for this assignment and asked you to make a selection of one of the prompts and to begin composing your response for homework.  Today and tomorrow you will complete this assignment.  Please create a new document and name it exactly as follows:
              Period __ Character Analysis.  THEN share it with me

NOTE: Refer to the writing prompt to be sure you are following
             the requirements of the prompt. 

HOMEWORK: 1. Article of the Week #8  2. Character Analysis Assignment

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Crucible

Good Morning!
*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*The Crucible -- we will finish the movie and then you will take the test.  I will pass out the writing prompt to you while you are taking the test so if you finish before others you can begin.  Begin composing your response on paper.  Tomorrow you will use your netbook.  Remember to refer to your character chart for some help.  I will collect that when you are done with your essay. 

HOMEWORK:  Character analysis assignment.  Begin composing a draft that will be fully completed by Friday. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Crucible

Good Morning!
*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.
*The Crucible -- I hope that as you watch the movie you are deciding what character you will write about.  As soon as we finish the movie, there will be the test.  If you paid attention to the reading of the play, you should perform well on the test.  We will begin the writing assignment also once we are done watching the movie.
HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #8 due Friday -- annotation and written response.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Crucible

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Please quietly read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Article of the week #8 -- annotation and written response due Friday.
*The Crucible -- We will continue watching the movie today and will finish tomorrow The test will be on Wednesday followed with the writing assignment.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #8

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Crucible

Good Morning!

*Please have your article of the week #7 ready for me to collect and the questions for Act IV of The Crucible.

*The Crucible -- the movie.  Next week immediately after we finish the movie there will be an objective test on the play which includes matching quoted lines to characters.  You also will be assigned a writing assignment which will be due at the end of next week.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Crucible, Act IV

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*The Crucible, Act IV -- You have been thinking about a character that you will write about.  This assignment will be given after we watch the movie so you will have a much better idea of the characters.  I feel that the movie will inspire a lot of thinking about the events and characters in this play. TODAY we finish reading the play!

*Act IV questions -- you will complete these on your own.  You should be able to answer these questions correctly. 

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #7 -- annotation and written response

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Crucible, Act IV

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*The Crucible, Act IV -- You have been thinking about a character that you will write about.  This assignment will be given after we watch the movie so you will have a much better idea of the characters.  I feel that the movie will inspire a lot of thinking about the events and characters in this play.  QUESTION: If you were to audition for a role in The Crucible, which character do you think you would be most successful in playing?

HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading   2. Article of the Week #7

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Crucible, Act IV

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*The Crucible, Act IV -- You have been thinking about a character that you will write about.  This assignment will be given after we watch the movie so you will have a much better idea of the characters.  I feel that the movie will inspire a lot of thinking about the events and characters in this play.

HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading   2. Article of the Week #7

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Crucible, Act IV

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Article of the Week #7 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday  (Handout)

*The Crucible, Act IV (Handout) -- Question:  This play is about the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy era.  Why is there continued interest in reading this play? Are there other themes which contribute to the universality of this play?  What makes this such a successful drama?  In a group of three, discuss this question and write out your response.

HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading   2. Article of the Week #7

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Crucible, Character Chart

Good Morning!

*Please get your netbooks when you arrive and read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Article # 6 is due -- annotation and written response

*I have been asked to give you the following survey.  Please go to my blog and click on the following link: WASC Student Survey

*The Crucible, Act III -- please complete the questions and turn in

*Character Chart -- please record on your chart notes from the side board and anything else you can add.  You will be writing about one of the characters when we finish the play. 

*NOTE: There will also be an objective test on The Crucible when we finish reading the play.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Crucible, Act III

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*The CrucibleAct III -- this is a complicated act.  There's many details to keep track of.  Be attentive to what the characters say because what they say contributes to their character. You will be writing about one of the characters, so if you have already decided what character that is, make note of what they say.  

*Character Chart --Please fill out characteristics for each character.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #6-- annotation and written response

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Crucible, Act III

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*The CrucibleAct III -- this is a complicated act.  There's many details to keep track of.  Be attentive to what the characters say because what they say contributes to their character. You will be writing about one of the characters, so if you have already decided what character that is, make note of what they say.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #6

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Crucible, Act III

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading  -- please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*The Crucible, Act III -- review questions.  Before we begin complete questions 1-8 on your own.  Work with a partner for help in arriving at the correct answer.  

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #6

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Crucible, Act III

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Independent Reading -- Today is the first day of the second grading period.  Hard to believe that the first six weeks went so swiftly!  Today begins independent reading each day.  Please have your book daily and begin reading at the bell.

*NOTE: Please turn in your assignments when they are due. Once they are recorded on Powerschool they will not be accepted. If you are absent, promptly make up the work and turn it in.

*Article of the Week #6  -- annotation and response due on Friday

*The Crucible, Act III   (Handout)

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Friday, October 10, 2014

Character Response (The Crucible)

Good Morning!

Please get your ASSIGNED netbook when you arrive to class.  Open your ENGLISH JOURNAL in your Google drive. Please provide some space between assignments but too much!  Make sure your name is in the upper left corner at the very top.

NOTE: Independent reading resumes on Monday for the second grading period.  Please be ready with your new selection.  Check a book out from the library today.  

*Article of the Week #5 is due -- annotation and written response.

*ASSIGNMENT:  Before we go on to Act III of The Crucible, you will write today about one of the characters.  We have been introduced to almost all of the major characters.  Select one of them to write about by doing the following:

                      Character Discussion (The Crucible)
                       1.  Identify who they and their role (discuss some
                            of the plot details that involve them)
                       2.  Describe what you know about their character
                       3.  Refer to lines in the play that they speak that
                            are significant.
                       4.  Explain what you find intriguing about the 

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading book



Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Crucible, Act II

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Independent reading resumes next week

* The Crucible, Act II  --   Please be attentive to the details and what I explain as we go along. You will be writing about this play at the end of our reading. You will be selecting a character to analyze. 

*Independent reading book -- we will start independent reading next week at the beginning of class.  Make your selection of your next book by then for the second grading period.  Consider taking care of the required book from the recommended list instead of waiting until the end of the semester.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the week #5 is due tomorrow -- annotation and written response.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Crucible, Act II

Good Morning!

* The Crucible, Act II  -- Handout is completed in class and due upon completion of each act.  Please be attentive to the details and what I explain as we go along. You will be writing about this play at the end of our reading. You will be selecting a character to analyze. 

*Independent reading book -- we will start independent reading next week at the beginning of class.  Make your selection of your next book by then for the second grading period.  Consider taking care of the required book from the recommended list instead of waiting until the end of the semester.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the week #5 is due on Friday -- annotation and written response.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Crucible, Act II

Good Morning!

*Textbook assignment -- "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God," p. 152-156  (handout) 

*The Crucible, Act II -- Questions 1-5 on handout

HOMEWORK:  1. Article of the Week #5  2.  Independent reading book for second six weeks (start looking for your next selection).

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Crucible, Act II

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*NOTE: The Goodreads book reviews must have a time stamp of no later than Oct 6.  You have until midnight tonight!

The grading period ends this Friday, Oct 10

*Article of the Week #5 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday.

*The Crucible, Act II (Handout)

HOMEWORK:  Textbook assignment, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God," p. 152-156  (handout)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Book Review

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

*Article of the Week #4 is due -- annotation and written response
*Goodreads Book Review -- you have a copy of the book review rubric.  Your mission today is to complete the review on Goodreads and to send me the link to your published page by filling out the Book Review Form for URL under "Important Links" on my blog (  PLEASE skip some space between each paragraph and indent your three paragraphs.
*NOTE: the end of the grading period is next Friday, Oct 10
HOMEWORK: Book review on Goodreads is due on Monday.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Crucible, Act I

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Book reviews are due on Monday, Oct 6th.  If you are unsure on how to write your review on Goodreads, please ask for my help.  Please follow the book review rubric. I will give you time tomorrow to work on your review.  

NOTE: Assignments 1-10 (listed on side board) will not be accepted as late work.  Late assignments turned in have been reviewed and recorded. 

*Article of the Week #4 is due tomorrow -- annotation and written response.

HOMEWORK: Independent reading book review is due by Monday

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Crucible, Act I

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Book reviews are due on Monday, Oct 6th.  If you are unsure on how to write your review on Goodreads, please ask for my help.  Please follow the book review rubric. I will give you time on Friday to work on your review.  

NOTE: Assignments 1-10 (listed on side board) will not be accepted as late work.  Late assignments turned in have been reviewed and recorded.

*The Crucible, Act I 

Homework: Independent reading book review

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Crucible, Act I

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Book reviews are due on Monday, Oct 6th.  If you are unsure on how to write your review on Goodreads, please ask for my help.  Please follow the book review rubric.

*The Crucible, Act I -- complete questions up to #24

HOMEWORK:  Your book review is due by next Monday, Oct 6th.  I will give you some class time on Thursday and Friday to write your review on Goodreads.  Be ready to compose your review by then.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Crucible, Act 1

Good Morning! 
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!
Please read quietly until we are ready to begin. NOTE: Your book review is due Oct 6th -- a week from today.

*Book Review Rubric -- your review will have three paragraphs.  Please skip some space between each paragraph
*Goodreads review  -- Friday you made me a friend on GoodreadsIf you are unsure how to do your review on Goodreads, please ask me for help.

*Article of the Week #4 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday

*The Crucible, Act I -- you have completed questions through #13

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading book review is due by Oct 6th (next Monday).

Friday, September 26, 2014


Good Morning!
*Paper Return -- keep any returned papers until the end of the grading period. 
*Article of the Week #3 is due -- annotation and written response

*Book Review Rubric

*Book Reviews -- Posting book reviews on Goodreads. 

 GOODREADS -- Please create a Goodreads account today and make me your friend.  (Use your Google account information). I will show you how to write a review.
Go to  Sign in using Google account -- username and password.  Once on the HOME page of goodreads, CLICK on FRIENDS.  Then GO TO "add friends" and type in my email address (  Back on the HOME page type the title of your book in the search box and then click on the title that appears.  Find where the book is rated with stars and click on the stars.  You will see the word "review" appear.  Clicking on "review" will take you to where you will write a review on
your book.   

HOMEWORK: Book Review posted on Goodreads is due Oct 6th. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Crucible, Act I

Good Morning!

Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  Tomorrow we will review using Goodreads which is where you will be posting your book reviews.  

*The Crucible, Act I -- thank you for volunteering to read yesterday.  You did a good job! How about some new volunteers for extra credit.

 * Homework:  Article of the Week #3 (annotation and written response).  In your written response, give your perspective.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Act I of The Crucible

Good Morning!

*Please quietly read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin. 

*The Crucible, Act I -- Act I questions will be completed as we progress through the play.  Volunteer to read for extra credit.
(Handout)  Be attentive to the reading of the play and completing the accompanying questions.

* Please complete assignments when they are assigned and due.   

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #3

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Overture" and Act I of The Crucible

Good Morning!

*Please quietly read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Review of Background to The Crucible (homework)

*The Crucible, "An Overture" -- you have been responding to questions as I read, and I will collect this handout when we are done with "An Overture."

*The reading of The Crucible -- I plan on reading this play as a play with students volunteering to read parts.  EXTRA CREDIT will be given each day to those students who volunteer for parts.  These extra credit points will be a significant contribution to your grade!

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #3 is due Friday

Monday, September 22, 2014

"Overture" to The Crucible

Good Morning!

* Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Article of the Week #3

*  The Salem Witchcraft Trials (the video) -- just a little bit of discussion.

The Crucible -- We will begin reading today with the "Overture" to the play.  Glance over the questions before we begin reading. As I read, listen to the ideas that I emphasize as I pause in the reading.

HOMEWORK: 1. Article of the Week #3 is due on Friday (handout) 2.  Complete Background to The Crucible -- due tomorrow (handout).

Friday, September 19, 2014

Salem Witchcraft Trials

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Article of the Week #2 is due -- annotation and written response.

*Salem Witchcraft Trials -- I would like us to watch this video on witchcraft before we begin The Crucible next week.  (Thank you for bringing your copy class).  For notes record 10 points that caught your attention.  PLEASE number each point and skip a line between each one.  There is so much information in this video and I think that you will learn quite abit!

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Quiz on Research Topics

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- Begin at the bell and read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Research Topics -- I will collect these before the quiz.  Your homework last night was to study for this quiz.  

*Handout on pp. 134-136 ("Between Heaven and Hell") -- this assignment was out of your text.

*Some more background to The Crucible  (if there is time)

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #2 -- Annotation and written response

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Checking out The Crucible

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book while I take attendance.  We will then go to the library to check out The Crucible.  

*Review of research topic questions -- please listen to the responses and take additional notes.  There will be a quiz tomorrow.  Review this information.  I will collect the handout tomorrow.

*Homework review -- questions on pp. 134-136 in the text  (handout).
HOMEWORK -- 1. Review information on Research Topics  2. Article of the Week is due on Friday

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Research Questions

Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive and read quietly while the netbook powers up.  I will be checking for books again today for participation points.

*NOTE: We will be checking out The Crucible tomorrow.  Please be ready with your ID.

*Research topics -- Please complete questions to the topics today.  We will discuss and I will then collect.

*The purpose of the textbook assignment for homework is to provide some additional background to The Crucible which is to understand more about the Puritan era.  This is due tomorrow.

HOMEWORK:  1.  Article of the Week #2   2.  Textbook assignment -- questions on pp. 134-136 (handout)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Background to The Crucible

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive and READ while it powers up.

*Independent Reading -- this is an official check day for reading.  Please have your book out, and we will read for about 10 -15 minutes.

*Article of the Week #2 -- the annotation and one page response is due on Friday. 

*Note:  we will be checking out The Crucible on Wednesday.  Be sure to have your ID.

*Today we will start a little bit of research on topics that will prepare us for reading The Crucible.  Please click on the following links for the topics that you will read about and on which you will answer questions: (Handout with the questions)
(Go to for the link)

*Communism in the 1950's
*Arthur Miller
*Puritan New England 
*Salem Witch Trials 

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #2 due on Friday