Friday, January 31, 2014


Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive and read quietly until we are ready to begin.  I will be checking your independent reading book today.
*"Self-Reliance" -- We began reading this essay last week and annotated the essay for main ideas. Please open your "View Only" folder.  You have already made your own copy of the essay -- or you should have. Before we begin, please share your annotated copy with me (   You will be answering questions at the end of the essay which you should be able to complete by the end of class. PLEASE copy these questions into your English Journal and entitle Questions on "Self-Reliance".

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Oh Me! Oh Life!"

Good Morning!
NOTE: On Monday I indicated to you that you should have chosen your new independent reading for the next six weeks.  I will be checking tomorrow.  Remember, it is required that one of the books that you read is from the recommended list.  You are to have your book each day.  Also, take note.  I will not permit the use of a cell phone for reading.  

* "Oh Me! Oh Life!" -- You have written a complete response to this poem.  I also asked you to write three questions on lines or phrases that you found difficult to explain.  For example: Does "endless trains of the faithless" mean people who lack a faith or a belief in the meaning of life?

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading book

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Oh Me! Oh Life"

Good Morning!

* Assignment on Dead Poets Society -- Please be prepared to share your written response You have written 1/2 to 3/4's of a page.

*"Oh Me! Oh Life!" -- Before we go on to Emerson ("Self-Reliance"), I would like us to read this Walt Whitman poem.  In Dead Poets Society Mr. Keating recites this poem to express the profound capacity of humans to feel and the profound questions that humans ponder about life. The poem also relates to the theme of individualism that we have been discussing.  (Handout) After you respond to the poem, write 3 questions on lines or phrases of which you are unsure.

HOMEWORK:  Complete the assignment on "Oh Me! Oh Life."  Please have your new selection of independent reading by Friday.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Oh Me! Oh Life"

Good Morning!

* Assignment on Dead Poets Society -- Please be prepared to share your written response You have written 1/2 to 3/4's of a page.

*"Oh Me! Oh Life!" -- Before we go on to Emerson ("Self-Reliance"), I would like us to read this Walt Whitman poem.  In Dead Poets Society Mr. Keating recites this poem to express the profound capacity of humans to feel and the profound questions that humans ponder about life. The poem also relates to the theme of individualism that we have been discussing.  (Handout) After you respond to the poem, write 3 questions on lines or phrases of which you are unsure.

HOMEWORK:  Complete the assignment on "Oh Me! Oh Life."  Please have your new selection of independent reading by Friday.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Dead Poets Society

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!

*Dead Poets Society -- we have just a little bit more to go with the movie.  Then, you will complete discussion questions and respond in writing to the movie.  Write one half to three quarters of a page.  Select one of the quotations and add any of your other thoughts on this movie.  (two handouts)

*SECOND SEMESTER!  Let's do our very best to have a successful semester!  You are the captain of your own ship!

HOMEWORK:  *Complete written response to DPS
                                           *Independent reading book -- By the end of this 
                             week please have your new selection.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dead Poets Society

Good Morning!

 NOTE: Please put away out of sight and keep out of sight your electronic devices.   
NOTE:  Book reviews were due Tuesday.  If you have not yet submitted the reviews, do so as soon as possible on your own time. NO one will be using a netbook this period. The final deadline is Friday at noon.  I will not accept reviews after that time.

*Transformational Thinking Unit -- Today we will be watching Dead Poets Society because of its value and relevance to Emerson and Thoreau.  There will be an assignment on the movie next Monday as we resume Emerson's "Self-Reliance."  You are expected to be attentive to the movie, hence no other activity will be permitted, e.g. work for another class.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dead Poets Society

Good Morning!

 NOTE: Please put away out of sight and keep out of sight your electronic devices.  
NOTE:  Book reviews were due yesterday.  If you have not yet submitted the reviews, do so as soon as possible on your own time. NO one will be using a netbook this period. The final deadline is Friday at noon.  I will not accept reviews after that time.

*Transformational Thinking Unit -- Today we will be watching Dead Poets Society because of its value and relevance to Emerson and Thoreau.  There will be an assignment on the movie next Monday as we resume Emerson's "Self-Reliance."  You are expected to be attentive to the movie, hence no other activity will be permitted, e.g. work for another class.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Book Reviews

Good Morning!  I hope that you had an enjoyable three-day weekend!  Please get your netbook when you arrive to class.

NOTE: As I emphatically and repeatedly conveyed to you, the place to find out about assignments if you have been absent from class is on my blog, and, of course, you can speak to me immediately upon your return from your absence. Discovering missing assignments once they have been posted on Power School is not the time to request the work.

*"Self-Reliance" -- Friday we began reading Emerson's essay.  You have it in your View Only folder, and you have made your own copy.  We will finish this reading next week.  

*Today -- I promised that I would give you time today to wrap up your Goodreads book reviews and to share your URL by filling out the Book Review Form for URL's under "Important Links." 

 *Final Exam -- As indicated to you, we will be taking this time to watch Dead Poets Society.  This is not for entertainment but for instruction relevant to our Transformational Thinking unit. 

Friday, January 17, 2014


Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.

NOTE:  Two book reviews are due Tuesday, January 21st.  Be sure to follow the rubric and be sure your book review on Goodreads shows paragraphing according to the rubric's guidelines. I should see distinct paragraphs when I open your review.  Provide some space between each paragraph.

* "The Wanderer" -- Yesterday you wrote a paragraph in your ENGLISH JOURNAL interpreting this painting.  Please share your response today.

*Please go to your Google docs and open the View Only folder for this class.  In the folder you will find a copy of  "Self-Reliance."  Please MAKE YOUR OWN COPY so you can annotate it.  Complete the questions at the bottom after we have discussed the essay.

*"Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Emerson was a leader of the movement in the early 1800's called Transcendentalism.  Transcendentalism emphasized the importance of the individual, advocating self-reliance.  Self-reliance meant that each individual must depend on his or her own judgment and experience as a guide for living.  Emerson believed strongly in the need for every person to develop his or her potential as an individual and in the need to think independently. 

HOMEWORK:  Post your two book reviews on Goodreads.  Fill out the form for the book review URL under "Important Links" on my blog. 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Psalm of Life"

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive and read quietly until we are ready to begin.

* BOOK REVIEWS -- Please be sure to follow the rubric.  Your review will have several paragraphs where you discuss theme, style, characters, setting, plot, and connectionsIncluding a brief introduction and a conclusion where you give your recommendation, you will have 8 paragraphs.

*"Psalm of Life"  -- Review of your paraphrasingComplete final paragraph explaining what Longfellow is saying in this poem. In your first sentence, refer to the title and author.

* The Spirit of Individualism -- In your ENGLISH JOURNAL, please write a paragraph interpreting this painting. Be attentive to details and the significance of those details. Consider the quote from Thoreau that accompanies the painting.


The Wanderer
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.  Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
                                  -- Henry David Thoreau 

HOMEWORK: Two book reviews are due Tuesday, January 21st. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"A Psalm of Life"

Good Morning!
Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Yesterday we discussed your responses to seven questions which mostly relate to the theme of individualism.  This theme is relevant to the readings that we will be doing in our Transformational Thinking unit.
* "Psalm of Life" (handout) -- Today we will read a poem which emphasizes the spirit of the individual.  Longfellow was an important and popular writer among the romantic writers in 19th century New England. Romanticism emphasized feelings, imagination, nature, and the individual spirit.  The spirit of individualism was an important idea for our new country -- a new democracy.

Assignment: Paraphrase each stanza of "A Psalm of Life"
HOMEWORK:  Two book reviews are due next Tuesday, January 21st.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Psalm of Life"

Good Morning!
Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  NOTE: Two book reviews are due by Tuesday, January 21st -- to be posted on Goodreads.  Please be sure to follow the rubric.

*Anticipation Questions-- yesterday you responded to seven questions in anticipation of the readings that we will be doing in the Transformational Thinking unit.  

* Transformational Thinking -- Some background/historical context for our next readings

* "A Psalm of Life" (Handout)
    Assignment: Paraphrase each stanza  

HOMEWORK: Goodreads book reviews are due Tuesday, January 21st. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Group Activity

Good Morning!  I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!

Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  NOTE: Two book reviews are due to be posted on GOODREADS by Tuesday, January 21st.  Be sure to follow the rubric.  

*TRANSFORMATIONAL THINKING UNIT -- In our next unit we will be studying the writings of four important thinkers.  We will see how similar ideas evolved from one thinker to the next.  An important theme in this unit is the spirit of individualism.  To begin thinking about this and relating it to our own lives, we will do a group activity where you will respond to seven questions.

*Tomorrow I will provide some background information to the first group of "transformational" thinkers, and we will read a poem which exemplifies the spirit of the period in AMERICAN LITERATURE.

HOMEWORK:  Your two book reviews are due a week from tomorrow (Tuesday, January 21st).  Be sure to follow the rubric. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Expert Project

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive and read quietly while your netbook powers up.
*EXPERT PROJECT -- Today is devoted to adding to our research on our expert topic.  I have indicated that one posting is due on your blog, showing the results of your efforts yesterday and today.
*NOTE: Next week we will begin a new unit of study.  You will be reading some of the best and most classic texts in American literature that concern individuality and justice. 
HOMEWORK: Independent reading and book reviews.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Expert Project

Good Morning!  

Please get your netbook when you arrive and read quietly while it is powering up.

*EXPERT PROJECT -- Today is devoted to continuing our research on our expert project topic.  We will also work on our research tomorrow.  By the end of the period tomorrow, you will have added one post to your blog.

* Satire Essay -- I am working on your satire essays.  I have read some very successful satires.  I appreciate the effort shown in completing this assignment.

*NOTE:  Next week we will be beginning a new unit which will familiarize you with some of the best and most classic texts in American literature.

HOMEWORK:  One expert project blog post.  Independent reading.   Book reviews are due Tuesday, January 21st on Goodreads.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"

Good Morning!  Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

NOTE:  Two book reviews are to be posted on Goodreads by January 21st.  Please follow the rubric.  

* "Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"  -- you were assigned to complete the reading and questions for homework.  

* EXPERT PROJECT  -- You will have the rest of the week to research your topic.  By Friday you will have added two more posts to your blog.  

NOTE: Next week we will be starting a new unit which will continue into the second semester.  

HOMEWORK: Independent reading and expert project blog posts. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"

Good Morning!

Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  NOTE:  Two book reviews are due by Tuesday, January 21st.  Please be sure to follow the rubric.  

* "Dream Deferred" --  Brief discussion and I will then collect the two handouts from yesterday.

* "Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805" --   We will read this text together and respond to the questions on the handout.  If we do not finish this in class, you will complete it for homework. (HANDOUT)

* NOTE:  Research on Expert Project Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

HOMEWORK: Complete the questions on "Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"

Monday, January 6, 2014

"A Dream Deferred"

Good Morning and Welcome Back!  I hope that you had a really enjoyable vacation and are ready to get back to work! AND, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

To ease back into our return I would like you to respond to a poem.  It is one of my favorites, and it has a relevant message as we begin a new year.  First, respond to the poem in the space provided.  Then, work with a partner to answer the questions.  Due at the end of the period.  (Two handouts)

Tomorrow we will read one final text as part of the satire unit and spend the rest of the week devoted to the expert project. (As you have been informed, the plan is to work on the expert project between units).

NOTE:  The semester ends on Friday, January 24th.   The DUE DATE for the two book reviews is Monday, January 21st so I will have time to read and grade the reviews.