Friday, May 30, 2014

Feature Article

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive to class.
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
 *NOTE: One book review on a book from the recommended list is due by June 13th -- the earlier, the better.

*Feature Article is due June 5th.  (Textbook return is on Friday, June 6th). Your final in this class will be a presentation of your topic.  We will get started at the beginning of the week during finals week. 

*TODAY -- Today you will continue to work on the writing of your Feature Article.  You have created a new document (Period __ Feature Article), and you have shared it with me (abaltrushes@gmail).   Remember that a part of your article will include an interview. Take full advantage of this time because the due date is rapidly approaching. Please maintain a quiet environment in consideration of other students quietly at work.

  HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Feature Article

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Feature Article

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive to class.

"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on."         --Led Zeppelin
*NOTE: One book review on a book from the recommended list is due by June 13th -- the earlier, the better.

*Feature Article is due June 5th.  (Textbook return is on Friday, June 6th). Your final in this class will be a presentation of your topic.  We will get started at the beginning of the week during finals week. 

*TODAY -- This week you will be working on the writing of your Feature Article.  You have created a new document (Period __ Feature Article), and you have shared it with me (abaltrushes@gmail).   Remember that a part of your article will include an interview. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Feature Article

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Feature Article

Good Morning!
Talent is cheaper than table salt.  What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.  -- Stephen King

*NOTE: One book review on a book from the recommended list is due by June 13th -- the earlier, the better.

*Feature Article is due June 5th.  (Textbook return is on Friday, June 6th). Your final in this class will be a presentation of your topic.  We will get started at the beginning of the week during finals week. 

*TODAY -- This week you will be working on the writing of your Feature Article.  You have created a new document (Period __ Feature Article), and you have shared it with me (abaltrushes@gmail).   Remember that a part of your article will include an interview. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Feature Article

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Feature Article

Good Morning!

 A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. --Colin Powell
*Please get your netbook when you arrive and read quietly while it powers up.

*NOTE: One book review on a book from the recommended list is due by June 13th -- the earlier, the better.

*Feature Article is due June 5th.  Your final in this class will be a presentation of your topic.  We will get started at the beginning of the week during finals week. 

*I hope that you learned some important details last Friday with Mr. Martinez's presentation.  You have a lot to think about over the summer!

*TODAY -- This week you will be working on the writing of your Feature Article.  You have created a new document (Period __ Feature Article), and you have shared it with me (abaltrushes@gmail).   Remember that a part of your article will include an interview. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Feature Article

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Expert Project Research/Feature Article

Good Morning!

The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.                                                            -- Charles de Montesquieu

 Please get your netbook when you arrive.  Read quietly while it powers up.

*Note:  Please have your independent reading book each day.  One book review on a book from the recommended list is due by June 13th.

*EXPERT PROJECT RESEARCH DAY -- Please use this day to continue your research or to begin writing your feature article. You have a copy of the Feature Article rubric.  YESTERDAY you created a new document and you named it as follows:
Period __ Feature Article
You shared it with me (

HOMEWORK: Independent reading and Feature Article.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Expert Project Research

Good Morning!

Are you going to the river with a thimble or a bucket?

Please get your netbook when you arrive.  Read quietly while it powers up.

*Note:  Please have your independent reading book each day.  One book review on a book from the recommended list is due by June 13th.

*EXPERT PROJECT RESEARCH DAY -- Please use this day to continue your research or to begin writing your feature article. You have a copy of the Feature Article rubric.  TODAY, please create a new document and name it as follows:
                              Period ____  Feature Article

THEN, share it with me today   (

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Expert Project /Feature Article

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"You Have A Secret That Can Ruin Your Life"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading:  I would like to see your book each day. Please have it open at the bell. There will be one book review required for this last six weeks. The book must be from the recommended book list. This review is due by June 13th.

*NOTE:  The Feature Article will be due June 5th.  June 6th is scheduled for textbook return.  Your final in this class will be your presentation of your expert topic.  We will begin on the first day of finals week to ensure that there is enough time for all to present.

*Second Feature Article:  "You Have A Secret That Can Ruin Your Life" (Handout) -- Read and annotate this article and complete the questions (handout).  Finish for homework.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading and expert project

Monday, May 19, 2014

"You Have A Secret That Can Ruin Your Life"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading:  I would like to see your book each day.  Please have it open at the bell.  There will be one book review required for this last six weeks.  The book must be from the recommended book list.  This review is due by June 13th.

*NOTE:  The Feature Article will be due June 5th.  June 6th is scheduled for textbook return.  Your final in this class will be your presentation of your expert topic.  We will begin on the first day of finals week to ensure that there is enough time for all to present.

*Second Feature Article:  "You Have A Secret That Can Ruin Your Life" (Handout) -- Read and annotate this article and complete the questions (handout).  Finish for homework.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading and expert project. Finish the article that we began in class.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Expert Project Research

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.
*NOTE:  We are scheduled for textbook return on June 6th.  That is the day that your Feature Article is due, but you will not have class time to complete it.  Next Friday there will be a presentation on getting yourself ready next year for college, so there will not be time on that day for expert project research.
*Independent Reading -- I would like to see your book each day.  I would like to see you reading at the beginning of class.  

*Today:  I had planned a second feature article to read, but that will be delayed until next week.  For today, you have time to continue your expert project research.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading and Expert Project research.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Feature Article -- "Heaven Can't Wait"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please have your independent reading book out and read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Feature Article ("Heaven Can't Wait") -- You were asked to complete the final few paragraphs for homework and to complete the questions on the handout.

*The due date for the Feature Article is going to be June 6.  Starting the week of May 27th we will begin writing the article.  Prior to that time you will have research time available to you.  Finals week is when you will give your presentation.  That is your final.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Expert Project Research.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Feature Article: "Heaven Can't Wait"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading Book:  Please have your book out.  I am doing a check for credit.  

*Feature Article:  Yesterday I gave you the writing prompt for the feature article that you will be writing as a culminating assignment for your expert project.  We also started an article yesterday, "Heaven Can't Wait," that demonstrates characteristics of a feature article.  Please take the article out and be attentive as we read (SLANT).  Assignment: questions on the article (handout)

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading.  Expert Project research. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Feature Article Prompt

Good Morning!

* Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading book out.  If you do not have one today, please have it by tomorrow to show me.

*Feature Article Prompt -- I want to show you today where your research (Expert Project Topic) will culminate.  Please keep this copy for future reference.

*An Example of a Feature Article (Handout) --  In reading the article "Heaven Can't Wait,"  we will identify the different modes of writing that characterize a feature article.  First, please number the paragraphs.  As we read this article, we are looking for not only what the author is saying but how it is being said.  What modes of writing are being used?  The modes of writing are described with the following link:

Eight Modes of Writing

 HOMEWORK:  Independent reading book.  Expert Project research if you have internet access.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Expert Project

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.
NOTE: I know the library has been closed this week because of AP testing.  Please select as soon as possible your independent reading from the recommended list.
*EXPERT PROJECT:  Today we will continue researching our topic.  With these two days of research, I would like to see at least one post on your blog.  Be sure to include the URL of the website(s) you have used.  Summarize what you have found on your topic.  Include details that will be helpful when you begin work on your FEATURE ARTICLE.
HOMEWORK:  Independent reading from recommended list.  Work on your expert project topic at home if you have internet access. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Expert Project

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.
*Today you will resume your research on your EXPERT TOPIC.  I know that it has been awhile since we have focused on this, but we are now ready to give it our full attention.   If you have not created a blog, please do so by following these steps:

1.  Go to
2.  gmail
3.  new blog
4.  title (create a title relevant to your topic)         
5.  address (
6.  template

After you create your blog, please fill out the following form.  You will paste the URL of your blog address into the form.

Expert Project Blog URL

*Today, resume your work by first re-reading your last blog post.  Then continue searching for information on your topic.  This time try to find an article or resource that presents a different view of your topic from the last article.

*Post a link to what you find today on your blog and use the rest of the post to summarize what you found out.  Be specific and detailed.  This will be helpful later on.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading book.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Great Gatsby Essay

Good Morning!

Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*The Great Gatsby essay -- this essay is due this period.  Be sure to carefully proofread your sentences for clarity, effectiveness, and correctness. Properly punctuate the title by either underlining or by putting into italics.  You have already shared this essay with me ( Also, make sure that you have done as follows:
     *At the left corner included your name, course title, my name, 
      and date
     *Entitled the essay

*EXPERT PROJECT -- if you have completed your essay, you will use this class time to do research on your expert topic.

*HOMEWORK:  Independent reading book (from recommended list)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Great Gatsby

Good Morning!
 *NOTE: Please have your independent reading book by Friday.  I will be checking then.  For this last six weeks you are required to read one book, and it must be from the recommended book list.

*The Great Gatsby essay -- tomorrow you have one last day to finish up this essay.  CAREFULLY proofread your writing for errors and sentence effectiveness.  If you have already completed this essay, you will work on your expert project topic tomorrow.

*The Great Gatsby -- the final part of the movie

*HOMEWORK:  Independent reading book by Friday.  Complete the Gatsby essay by the end of tomorrow.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Booster Presentation

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading:  Please have by Friday your independent reading book.  I will ask to see it then.  The book must be from the recommended book list.  One independent reading book is required for this last six weeks.

*The Great Gatsby essay:  You will have class time Wednesday to wrap up the essay.  Those who have completed the essay will work on EXPERT PROJECT research.

*Tomorrow: the rest of The Great Gatsby (movie)

HOMEWORK: Independent reading book and the Gatsby essay.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Great Gatsby -- Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.

 * The Great Gatsby essay -- Work towards completing your essay today.  (You shared this new document with me on Tuesday). You will have over the weekend to finish, but no other in-class time. 

* NOTE: I will not accept late assignments from the previous grading periods, including book reviews that should have been submitted by the due date.  Be sure to complete ALL assignments this last six weeks. 

* Monday -- Booster presentation on tobacco prevention, substance abuse, and bullying.

* We will finish the rest of the movie on Tuesday. On Wednesday we will turn our focus to the EXPERT PROJECT.

* NOTE: Please select your independent reading for the last six weeks.  For this final six weeks, I am requiring only one book, but it must be from the recommended book list.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Great Gatsby

Good Morning!
*Tuesday we got a start on The Great Gatsby essay.  I asked you to continue working on it for homework whether or not you have access to Google Docs at home.  We will continue working on it in class tomorrow with an eye towards completing the essay.  Carefully compose your sentences and proofread your writing as you go along.  We are starting on the home stretch for the end of the year.  Be sure to be vigilant in completing ALL assignments, especially this important essay assignment.

* The Great Gatsby -- the movie

HOMEWORK:  Essay on The Great Gatsby