Friday, December 19, 2014

Persuasive Essay

Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*Essay -- Complete your essay today.  PLEASE carefully proofread your writing for mistakes that you can correct.  Please entitle your essay and double space.  Make sure that your name, course name, my name, and date are in the upper LEFT corner of your essay as follows:

Honors American Literature
Ms. Baltrushes
19 December 2014

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Persuasive Essay

Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*Yesterday you had the test on "Writers of the Revolution."  If you were absent yesterday, you will be taking the test today in class.

*Essay -- please work toward completing your essay today.  I have read some good (and completed) essays so far! PLEASE carefully proofread your writing for mistakes that you can correct.  Please entitle your essay and double space.

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive Essay

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Test on Writers of the Revolution

Good Morning! 

*Food Drive Contributions will be accepted until Friday.

*Test on readings from Writers of the Revolution -- when you have finished the test please get your netbook and continue working on your essay.  The essay is to be fully completed by Friday.  Work on it for homework.  Get it done!   Please put your name on your essay as follows:
                               Honors American Literature
                               Ms. Baltrushes
                               19 December 2014

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive Essay

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Persuasive Essay

Good Morning! 
*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

*Food Drive Contributions will be accepted until Friday.

*NOTE: Test tomorrow on the texts that we have read.  There will be twenty-five multiple choice questions.  Review the assignments on these texts, especially the questions.

*Persuasive Essay -- yesterday you created a NEW document and you named it Period __ Persuasive Essay.   You also shared it with me (  TODAY you will continue working quietly on this essay and continue working on it for homework so it is fully completed by Thursday.  I would like to have peer editing on Thursday.

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive Essay

Monday, December 15, 2014


Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

*Food Drive Contributions will be accepted until Friday.

*NOTE: Test on Wednesday on the texts that we have read.  There will be twenty-five multiple choice questions.

*On Friday I passed out to you the Persuasive Essay Writing Prompt, a sample essay, and a listing of topics.  I asked you to make a commitment to a topic over the weekend.  The due date for this essay is Friday but you should have a fully completed draft by Thursday.  Today use the time to research your topic to see other people's perspective on the topic.  Remember, for this essay you are going to need evidence for support.  Take notes.  You might create a document for notes and paste information into the document with the URL.  TODAY create a NEW DOCUMENT and name it Period __ Persuasive Essay and share it with me (

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive essay

Friday, December 12, 2014


Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :) 

*"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"  -- for homework you completed the assignment on this text (handout).  With a partner, please review your responses. (10 minutes)
*Persuasive Essay -- Please decide on a topic for this essay.  We will begin writing on Monday of next week.  Today, I will give you a compiled listing of topics that you generated before Thanksgiving, the writing prompt, and a sample response to this essay assignment.  Since this essay will require some research for evidence to support your position, I will give you time to accomplish that.

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive essay topic.  Please start researching your topic.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*"What is an American?"  --  Yesterday you completed the questions on this essay.  I will collect this today.

*Persuasive Essay -- Please decide on a topic for this essay.  We will begin writing on Monday of next week. I will give you a compiled listing of topics that you generated before Thanksgiving.

*"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805"  -- follow along as this text is read.  Annotate the text as the text is discussed.

HOMEWORK:  Questions on "Red Jacket . . ."

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"What is an American?"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*"What is an American?"  -- Yesterday you followed along as this text was read.  You annotated the text and we began some of the practice activities.  This essay evokes much thinking on what we think about America today, and I showed you one article that questions whether we can continue to think of America as the land of opportunity.
America -- Land of Opportunity

*Complete questions on "What is an American?"  

HOMEWORK:  Persuasive essay topic

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"What is An American?"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*"What is an American?"  -- we will read this text together and you will annotate as we go along and complete the activities. (Handout)

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Persuasive Essay Topic

Monday, December 8, 2014

"What is an American?

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell

*Food Drive contributions?  :)

*Discussion of your responses to The Patriot -- I will also collect your notes.

Land of Opportunity

*"What is an American?"  -- we will read this text together and you will annotate as we go along and complete the activities. (Handout)

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Persuasive Essay Topic

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Please begin reading your independent reading book at the bell.

*Food Drive contributions?

*The Patriot -- discuss the assigned questions in groups of four.  I will arrange those groups.   In addition to the questions on the handout, write down the following questions on the back of the handout and respond:
6.  What is an American?  What are some of the various
      descriptions that come to mind?
7.  What makes America particularly unique in the world?
8.  What is relevant about the era of the American Revolution 
9.  Is America still seen as the land of opportunity?
10. What is your historical heritage as an American?  

(I will also collect your notes on the movie)

Land of Opportunity

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading.  Consider a topic for your persuasive essay that will soon be assigned. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Food Drive -- please bring a can or two with you to school.  

*Independent Reading -- please begin reading at the bell.

*The Patriot -- please continue taking notes on the movie.  Record as much as you can lines that caught your attention or of significance.  An assignment will follow the movie.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading.  Continue to think about what topic on which you will be writing a persuasive essay.    

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin reading at the bell. I will be checking.

*The Patriot -- please continue taking notes on the movie.  Record as much as you can lines that caught your attention or of significance.  

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading.  Continue to think about what topic on which you will be writing a persuasive essay.    

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Patriot

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell with your independent reading.  I will be checking to see what you have selected for this final six weeks. 
*The Patriot -- as we continue watching this movie, please record no less than 10 lines or parts  of significance.   
"This war will not be fought on a distant battlefield or frontier but amongst us."
*Homework:  Independent reading

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Patriot

Good morning and welcome back!  I hope that you had an enjoyable vacation and are ready to get back to work!

*Independent Reading -- please have your independent reading book each day.  If you have not selected a book from the recommended list, then you need to do that for the final six weeks. I will start checking tomorrow.
*No Article of the Week this week
*Persuasive Essay -- At the end of this unit of study, you will be writing a persuasive essay.  Not only will you be expressing your opinion, but you will try to convince others to agree with you and possibly take some action. On the Friday before vacation, we began to think of possible topics for this writing assignment. Please continue thinking about a topic as we approach the time when we will begin to write this essay which will be the last week before vacation.

*We have read " the Speech in the Virginia Convention" and "The Declaration of Independence."  Before we continue with some additional readings from this era, my plan is to view The Patriot, which I feel powerfully conveys the historical context of this era.
Please be attentive as there will be an assignment on this movie.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading book for tomorrow.