Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Research Topics

Maturity begins to grow when you can sense your concern for others outweighing your concern for yourself.
                                                                                                             -- John MacNaughton

1.  Book Review -- By Wed, Oct 3rd of next week, you will have written a book review on GOODREADS for your first  book. Refer to the book review rubric in the blog posting for Sept 25. Your second book will be chosen from a list of books that I provide: Annotated Book List.   Please start making a decision from this list.

2.  NOTE:  If you have not checked out The Crucible, do so by tomorrow.

3.  TODAY:  You have been assigned a research topic and you and others with the same topic will research and prepare a presentation as follows:

1.  With your group collaborate on a 3-5 minute presentation consisting of 8-10 slides about your assigned topic (working in Google Docs).  SHARE a presentation with each other so that you all contribute to what you find.  WORK QUICKLY.

2.  Divide the topic among the group and delegate responsibility for the creating of different slides.  Consider history(origins), definitions, examples, important facts, impact on society, future significance, important individuals, etc.  These are ideas to help you focus.

3.  Incorporate images (and cite) related to your  topic to make your presentation interesting to your audience.

4.  Create three multiple choice questions that someone would be able to answer after listening to your presentation.  Your group will turn in these questions to me.

5.  EACH person in your group will be presenting this to another group of students.

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