Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Advice to Youth"

Noise proves nothing.  Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid.
                                                                                                             --  Mark Twain

1.  INDEPENDENT READING -- Please begin at the bell. 

2.  SATIRE --  In an assigned group please quietly read "Advice to Youth" by Mark Twain.  Then as a group discuss and take notes on Twain's use of satire. (Show this annotation on your copy).   Answer the following question:

What do you think Twain is mainly satirizing?  What is he poking fun at?
Give three examples from the text and explain what he is mocking/ridiculing.
Be sure to point out at least 3 instances of sarcasm or verbal irony or perhaps exaggeration.  CITE SENTENCES.

3.  EACH group will come up to the front of the class and discuss their response.  Please make the effort to be very ready to do that. 

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