Friday, March 21, 2014

The Great Gatsby -- Chapter One Questions

Good Morning!

Please get your netbook when you arrive. 

*Please copy the following questions into your ENGLISH JOURNAL and complete by the end of class.  Be sure to select a different color for your answers and to skip appropriate space between each question.

The Great Gatsby -- Chapter One Questions

1.   What advice does Nick's father give him and what is Nick's response to this advice?
2.   How does the  narrator describe Gatsby? (What is so attractive about Gatsby?)
3.   From where did the narrator come and why?
4.   Describe the narrator's house. Where is it located?
5.   Describe the Buchanan house.
6.   How does Nick know Daisy and Tom?
7.   Describe Tom.  What is our impression of him in Chapter One?
8.   What kind of person is Daisy?  What is your impression of her?
 9.   What did Miss Baker tell Nick about Tom?
10.  Why does Daisy hope her daughter will be a beautiful fool?
11.  Why is Nick a little disgusted when he leaves the Buchanan's?
12.  How is Gatsby introduced into the novel? 
13.  A line that caught my attention:
14.  A line that caught my attention:
15.  A line that caught my attention: 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading.  Study vocabulary to The Great Gatsby (handout)

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